About me

Hi there!

I write about software, open source, stuff I see at work, things I learn or found useful, frustrating or interesting.

I used to be a Physiotherapist before Covid hit, now I spend my days hitting my keyboard pretending I know what I’m doing.

You can see what I’m up to on GitHub (although I keep my personal stuff is on GitLab) and get in touch through email.

I might take a while to respond, but I will.


best-practices (13) tools (13) write-ups (8) code (5) self-host (4)


architecture (9) design (9) clean code (8) unix (5) regex (5) gnu (4) tdd (3) onion (3) development (3) mvc (2) ebi (2) ports and adapters (2) blockchain (2) docker (2) image (2) container (2) vm (2) domain driven design (2) ddd (2) git (2) website (2) vps (2) pairing (2) pair programming (2) trunk-based development (2) tbd (2) ci (2) cd (2) testing (2) tools (2)